Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Morning in L&D

I was up at 5:30 this morning cause I couldn't sleep in bed anymore. My hips were hurting so bad. Came to the couch and tried laying down. Well I couldn't feel Austin, not even a bit and thats not normal so I drank a big thing of water and laid down again waiting to feel him. Still at 6 no movement and I started to freak alittle. SO I called the nurses station and they said drink a big glass of juice and feel for him. 6-10 movements in an hour is normal. Well I only felt him 3 times in an hour so I told Garrett that I wanted to get it checked out. Oh and I was having some contractions 5 mins apart but wasn't too worried about that. Just wanted to know if our little guy was ok. We got to the hospital around 8 and in that time I only felt him 6 times. Got hooked up and he was/is just fine, stinker! But my contractions went from 5 mins to 2 mins apart. They checked me and I'm still 2 cm dilated. Doctor said I could go home or wait. We wanted to go home, shower and eat! Well here I am at home home still having contractions but they aren't so close. The nurse suspects we will be back later today to deliver. We will see.

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

I think babies REST before labor....and being is a tough job for them too! LOVE YOU guys and hang in there...we will be thinking about you and waiting to hear!