Saturday, October 18, 2008

Getting Ready

This weekend we were pretty busy. Had a BBQ for one of Garrett's friends from Singapore and I spent the morning in the kitchen making some of his favorite sides. Potato Salad, Deviled eggs, and Guacamole. Well Garrett made the Guacamole. It was kinda fun to make all that stuff, and his friend was very appreciative for it so that was nice. Had a good time visiting and relaxing. The peoples house we went to had 2 big Doberman Pincher's and Madison had so much fun playing with them. They were good with her too!

Thursday I picked up my parents from the airport and we had lunch with them before they headed home. We went to Carninos (SP) which was very yummy! And just hung out and played the rest of the day.

Friday we went out to the house. Waste! I'm not going out there anymore. I get more and more frustrated. I just want it done LOL. Then came home and got the house ready for Austin to arrive. Got the car seat cleaned and his clothes put away. Made a spot in our room for his bed and got rid of any extra junk in the house. Just need to get the swing out of storage and cleaned, but that can wait. Yesterday afternoon I had sharp pain/contraction (maybe?) for a good half hour so we called the nurses at Alta View and she said to start timing them. I sat down and tried to relax and they slowly went away. Probably just Braxton Hick contractions again. The pain for that long was kinda concerning but I'm good this morning. We have an appointment on Thursday so I'll probably have him check things out. Hopefully we can tour the hospital then too.

This week is gonna be busy with weekly grocery shopping, playgroups, doctors appointment, and the pumpkin patch. Gonna just hang out today and try and get some scrap booking done, maybe catch up on some laundry. Ahh thats never ending :) Hope everyone has a great weekend.

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

We are getting anxious to meet little Austin! Take it easy this week!