Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chest Xray

Ok so we did Austin's chest xray yesterday. The actually have a "mold" that they put the babies in. It wrapped around his body and he had to have his hands straight up above his head. Of course he cried and was upset, but he wasn't hurt, just not normal for him to be in that position. Anyways it came back as a viral cough (viral cold). They want to watch it for a few more weeks and then give him abuitural (sp). It's what they give to open the airways. I'm going to do lots of research before he goes on that though cause it is a steroid. Just wanted to let everyone know that he's ok.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

9 months already!

Went to Austin's 9 month well baby checkup yesterday. No shots cause we switched doctors to a closer one over here and they didn't have Austin's paperwork. No worries though cause we can get caught up at the next appointment. They are concerned about his cough that has been going on for a few months now and want to get a chest xray done. The doctor cannot hear anything in his lungs and it's been going on before his little cold he's got. He hasn't gained much weight, he only weighs 17 pounds 8 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches long. I think he is eating enough, so he might just be like me. And as always his head is above 50% on the charts. The new doctor is nice and the facility is brand new. Ok just wanted to update the appointment. Have a great day!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August things!

so after loading the pictures I've noticed that we have actually done alot of things this month. and thats why I haven't blogged. Too busy having too much fun!! The neighbor boy down the street had his birthday on the 9th and then we all went to the Dinosaur Museum with him. The party was fun, Madison did good not opening his gifts. The museum was so busy cause we went on $2 Tuesdays. I would have liked to enjoy the museum more, it seemed we rushed through it to get it over with.
Austin's done so much this month. He's getting so big! Let's see this month he's learned how to give high fives, how to sit up from his belly, his clapping is getting better, and he's first word was dada! He's also had alot of new foods: peaches, waffles, spaghetti, chicken, and is so close to mastering the sippy cup! His favorite food is a waffle, he could eat those all day :) He goes in for his 9month appointment tomorrow so hopefully I'll update tomorrow too.
We have had a great weekend this week. We went up American Fork canyon and did some 4wheeling and some fishing. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, yumm so good. We had a great time. And also for our anniversary (Happy anniversary babe!) we went golfing yesterday. Nine hole but that was plenty. It was so relaxing. It was nice to spend some "two of us" time.
Anyways that's what we've been up to. I'll post some more pictures soon!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Visits and New Toys

We've been extra busy with visitors over here. It has been so much fun and tiring at the same time. My visit with my dad, brother, sister, and her hubby was nice. It was good to talk and hang out and go shopping of course. Madison got to ride the carousal with her papa and loved every minute of it!
On Thursday we went and got ourselves a new toy! We found a great deal on a 4wheeler and have been playing on it ever sense. It's so fun and its nice to be able to just get out and be away! Madison loves it and is always wanting to go ride.
Friday we got to see Kevin, Michelle, and the girls. Oh my they are getting so big! We spent a few hours at the water park and then came back to the house for a BBQ with the neighbors. It was a good visit and really nice to sit and talk to Michelle again. Anyways here is some new pictures of the weekend. Enjoy.