Thursday, February 24, 2011

Austin's New Haircut!


he's got himself a little faux hawk again. such a handsome lil' boy!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We had so much fun bowling for my birthday on Friday!! The kids just loved it :) Austin was trying so hard to hold the 7lb ball all by himself and put it on the "hill" they have for the little ones. He was so cute when we got the ball up there, then he'd wait, and ask "can I push it now?" Such a big boy!! Madison was able to put the ball up there herself and had fun watching the pins fall down and cheering after. It was so fun to bowl but even funner to watch the kids bowl. Oh and BTW I totally beat Garrett who didn't even break 100. (He later made up the excuse that he let me win because it was my birthday! HAHA nice try hun!!) Oh and the little bowling shoes for the kids were the cutest thing ever!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Austin's Doctor Appointment

Took Austin in today to have the doctor check out his lungs again. She said that what he has seems to be asthma. She heard some wheezing and suggested that we put him on Abutarol which will immediately unconstrict his lungs when he's having an asthma attack. (Does that make sense??) Its another steroid through the nebulizer and we did a treatment there in the office and it seem to have worked. So now when he is wheezing I have to give him a treatment with that on top of his regular treatment of Pulmacort. So that is that. We just watch him and give him the treatments when needed. Also he weighs only 25 lbs. but is now in he 11th percent tile. Hopfully this will work for him and he can get better. Just thought I'd share the update with everyone!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I can't believe it is February already!! January went by fast as usual, which was weird because we didn't do anything but our sledding trip. Just school for Madison and the usual everyday running around. I'm sure February is going to fly by as well. We got to see my mom last Tuesday for lunch. That was nice and the kids enjoyed getting to see her. Last night we got a babysitter (our neighbors daughter) and went out with our friends for Garrett's birthday/promotion. It was fun and relaxing. Nice to have an adult dinner without kids every once in awhile. Speaking of promotion, Garrett is now a Process Engineer with IMFT. So very proud of him. He was able to go in there and get a job he wanted with what he had to offer and beat our another guy that had more schooling/experience. He is super awesome :)
Thursday Madison has Kindergarten Registration. So excited for that. We get to take her to the school with her friend and show her around. Garrett gets to come with us, and he seems really excited to be able to be there. She is still doing great in school and has made two friends that she talks about regularly. We are going to see if she wants to do softball/t-ball or soccer this summer. Excited for that too!!
Austin is getting sick AGAIN!!! His cough is back, has been for about a week, but isn't really showing signs of a cold. It makes me nervous because the whooping cough is going around. He has been vaccinated for it of course but with him I have to be extra careful. I'm thinking about taking him to the doctor and talking to her about getting an chest xray again just to see if it's any worse/better, and if there is maybe more we can do about it.
And thats it for now. I'll update about Thursday later. Hope all is good!!