Sunday, December 7, 2008

2 year old are so funny......

Last night Madison came running into the living room and stubbed her toe on her table. She looks up at us and says, "Ouch, my sock"! Garrett and I couldn't stop laughing! We told her that she better kiss her sock better and she did. She later told us that her toe hurt. Such a funny girl! She also told daddy while we were shopping that she would like to go fishing and hunting. Just out of the blue. Daddy's little girl I guess. She'd rather be fishing than going shopping with her mom. :)
Everything has been going really good. I went grocery shopping with both kids again and it went well. I tried feeding Austin before going into the store so he wouldn't be screaming on the way home, but he didn't really want to eat and ended up screaming on the way home anyways! Oh the joy of having to time everything in a 2 hour window.
Garrett is working a lot of overtime this week, so it will be a long week for us. Hopefully we can get out and do some things so we don't go crazy. Oh and we are planning on coming home the week after Christmas (if all goes good). Figure we need a family visit over the holidays. And it will be nice to show off Austin to those who haven't seen him yet. He's getting bigger and bigger every day. Garrett woke up from sleeping today and asked what I had feed him cause he looked bigger and weighed more. His checkes are filling in~so cute!!
K gotta get Madison settled down for the night. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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