Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 1

Well week one went very smoothly, but the start of week two in the big bed is starting off bad :( He fought me yesterday to take a nap, but did end up sleeping for a little bit after he came out and had the rest of his lunch. And last night he was up 4 or 5 times just crying. We'll keep going with it. Just wanted to let everyone know how he's been doing.
His cough is back too this week, which may be why he's not sleeping well. I've had to give him two Abutrol treatments for the wheezing in his lungs, and of course the regular treatments.
Got some news on Madison's Tball team. She will be on the same team as her friend Kesler down the street AND Garrett gets to be the assistant couch for them!!! He's very excited and hopes his work schedule will let him participate as much as he wants.
And thats about it for over here. I pulled out some of my spring decorations so it feels more like spring over here. Just gotta get rid of the snowflake tablecloth :) Hope you have a great weekend!

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