Friday, March 4, 2011

Night 1 and 2......

NIGHT 1...........he went to bed just fine but only slept til 10pm. At 10 he woke up crying and we put him back to sleep about 3 times before he finally had enough and was crying non stop for an hour. Not sure what was wrong he was just upset and didn't want to calm down. At midnight Garrett took him for a drive where they ended up at McDonald's. Austin said he was hungry and wanted a hamburger. By the time they were home he had eaten the whole thing.....he must have been hungry!!! After that he went right to sleep and I peeked in on him at 4am. He was up bright and early at 6:30am. For nap he went right in and slept for almost 2 hours without a fight!!! :)
NIGHT 2.........was so much better!!! He went right to sleep again and only woke up once at 11pm. He was very happy to have me give him an "its ok" kiss and put him right back down where he slept til 6:20am this morning!!! And now for nap he's sleeping without a fight again!!
We are so proud of our "big boy."

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