Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feeling Good!

What a week this was. I've been riding my bike like crazy this week. Been to the park a few times and over to my friends house on the bike. And yesterday went on a 2hour/2park bike ride with my 2new friends. Wow two must be my lucky number :) Left here at 10:30 and rode to a new park, left there and rode to the green park behind our house and then home. Got home at 12:30. All while pulling the 2kids (70pounds!!!) What a ride!!! It hurt like crazy while riding and I was always in the back, but it felt good to do something good for my body.
Garrett went to a meeting for the Tball coaches. Her first game is on April 30th (which is also the day I was going to do her party). So I think we will just watch her play (game at 9am) with those who can make it, maybe got to Chili's or something for lunch, and then a BBQ at our house with cake and ice cream. Sound fun?? Maybe we can do some shopping, for those who need to get some big town shopping in, after lunch!
Other than riding our bikes everywhere we are just hanging out have fun enjoying the weather! Hope you all are too :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good for you! Excercise is good for not just your lil body but for your emotional well being! (great stress reliever)