Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ahhh what a week already!

Well first off Austin is sleeping better on his sides. Just had to stick with it. LOL the motto for raising children and teaching them new things I guess. Yesterday morning was an early morning. Garrett got stuck in a ditch on the way to work and I and the kids had to come pull him out. At 5 in the morning. The kids were good sports though and weren't too cranky yesterday. It was a long day though. Today has been fun. I took Madison outside to play in the snow while I shoveled the driveway. Gosh I forgot how much work that is. It's been since living on base that I've shoveled! (That word looks wrong. or is it just me?) Madison had fun playing with her shovels! So cute. I took pictures but have no idea where my cord is to get them on the computer. Anyways just wanted to share a few things. Have a wonderful week everyone!

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

Bet it feels good to have your own place again and doing the chores like shoveling! Sounds like everyone is adjusting really well to the rural lifestyle.