Friday, November 7, 2008


Had our appointment on Thursday and I only progressed 1 cm. So now I'm at 3 cm and 60%. Only 7 more to go :) We did talk about inducing in the 39th/40th week. Its good to hear that we have the option just in case he wants to stay in there FOREVER! LOL. Now I'm alittle more at ease about when he is gonna come. I know it sounds weird but I feel better I guess knowing that by the due date (or close too) he will be here. After the appointment we went and walked through the mall and I got my hair chopped off again. I really like it short. So much eaiser to do. Madison and Daddy played and had lunch. Last night when we tucked her in she thanked her daddy for taking her on the slide. It was so sweet. He even got to read her stories, which never happens. It was a nice break. I'm not sleeping at night and its getting old. Last night was night 4 and I'm so tired of tossing and turning! I did take some medicine for my cold so that helped clear me up. It felt good to breath again :) Oh maybe tonight I'll be able to sleep. Ok its off to get some coffee and play blocks with my "roaring" child. (its the new thing she does, she likes to roar!)


Michelle said...

Sounds like her and her daddy had a good day bonding together! How short did ya chop it?

Kathryn Grider said...

You sound very uncomfortable and down right MISERABLE! He will be here soon!