Friday, April 1, 2011

Teacher Conference and Tball

Wednesday was teacher conference with Madison. The teacher just adores her and doesn't have any problems with her. She is polite and uses her manners and makes friends easily and is usually the first to answer questions. She is so smart and is good at the word family words, even the ones we didn't work with at home. The teacher said she shouldn't have any problem in kindergarten. Thursday we went to her first tball practice. Very cute to see these little kids throwing with their big ol mits on and hitting the ball. She needs to work on her hitting but she'll get it. We have another practice tomorrow if the weather holds out. She loves it though and had lots of fun. Check your email for some pictures!! Gotta get ready to enjoy a beautiful day :)

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

Madison is so smart! not to mention adorable. Haven't received any photo's in my email yet!