Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Break

We didn't have big plans for Spring Break, but did get to enjoy some nice weather. Monday we did a 3.4 mile bike ride over Unity Pass which was good until Madison got tired and I had to figure out a way to get all three of us, and her bike, back to the truck. I ended up putting her bike in the bike trailer with Austin, which he did not like, and she sat on my bike seat while I walked everybody back. Super tiring :) After that was a picnic at the park. Tuesday was Coffee with the Mommies but Madison got to come play at Del Taco with all the kids. She just loved that!! We went to Ikea with a couple of Mommies and Madison was able to play in their Kid Zone. She really liked that and I don't think I can go to Ikea without putting her in there. I got a migraine while we were there so the rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday was pretty much a blur. Thursday we went to Home Depot and got some fixings for our new Garden Box. I went grocery shopping by myself (Heaven!) and then Tball practice that night. It was so cold and windy that the kids only practiced for 40 mins. Friday we just bummed around, let the kids play outside, spent the afternoon with the neighbors. Saturday was another Tball practice, which went really well. The coach wasn't there so it was just Garrett teaching the kids with the help of one of the dads and me. It was fun and looked like the kids were having a great time. Saturday night Madison had a sleepover with the neighbor boy down the street, K. She did good and wants to do it again, like, now! She got to have juice at nighttime and cartoons on til she feel asleep, which was after 10pm. She just loved that and talks about that alot. Had a busy week and I'm ready to get back to a routine. Madison got sick last night :( I'm hoping its only a small bug and we can get over it very soon. Got Kindergarten shots on Wednesday, Easter Party on Thursday, Easter on Sunday, Birthday/Party on Wednesday, Cupcakes for school on Thursday, and Family BBQ on Saturday!!! Bring it on!!

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