Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Phew time to relax!

Wow July flew by!! Seems like we were so busy doing things around the house and with family. I can't believe that in a few weeks our little girl starts pre-school. So excited for her!! She's been growing up so much this summer. What she says sometimes just blows our minds. She can be so caring and sweet to her brother it makes my heart melt. And then, of course, there are the times that make me wonder why we had two babies so close together!! :) No we love them!! Austin is growing up way too fast!! And thats a good thing and a bad thing. My baby is getting big. He's talking so much and learns new words so fast. I'm still waiting for his first phrase though. He has gotten three new teeth, which took forever. He had a little tummy bug before we left for Elko which was hard because I couldn't comfort him. But we made it through it.
Elko was fun. The wedding was beautiful and so fun to go and hang out just me and Garrett. The kids were monsters, but thankfully they were good for Aunt Traci. They were just way tired and out of their comfort zone. Now we just need to get back into routine before we have to find a new routine for school. Looking forward to it though :)

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