Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Icky, Icky, Icky!!

So we've been sick over here for the past week now. First I had the flu, then Madison got a bad cold, then Garrett got the flu, and now Austin is coughing this morning. Yuck!! My neighbor and her kid, plus one she's babysitting and I with my two kids went to Storytime last Tuesday where we all picked up this nasty bug. The little girl she babysits got the flu that night (same as me) and is still sick, and her son got the bad cold. This morning she informed me that he started throwing up!! Oh man we thought we were getting over this. So I've been over here taking care of sick kiddos and doing what I can with the backsplash, which isn't much LOL. But Garrett is off for the weekend so we are going to finish it today!! So we haven't been doing much thats why no updates. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are still over here!

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

Sorry to hear you guys have been so sick! Should we still come for this weekends visit? We are so looking forward to it.