Thursday, September 5, 2013

End of August

School has been going really good. Madison loves her teacher and is busy making new friends. Austin is doing really good in school and on his off days I have him working on concentration skills on the computer. Miles is doing great!! Already at 11 pounds and is so smart. He knows basic commands like sit and is pretty good at staying. He's doing really well in the front yard without a leash, but does like to bark at the kids coming home from school!
Austin had his first game last Tuesday and did great! Almost scored a goal, for the wrong team, but it would have been awesome!! Did touch the ball with his hands, but we think he fell on top of it. He's loving it and has practice tonight.
Madison is still doing cheer. She loves it so we keep taking her. Yesterday I had a mix up with the times so she actually ended up in the tumbling class, but did really good. I got to go in a watch for a little bit. She's getting really good with her back bends and is good at hand stands.
SO between soccer, cheer, and new puppy we are really busy around here.

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