Saturday, February 11, 2012


So I know its been awhile since I've posted but there really isn't that much going on over here. Once we got back from our trip to Elko it took awhile to get back into routine. Let's see....I got some new glasses, both regular and prescription sun glasses. So grateful that I was able to upgrade my old ones....they were a few years old! Also got my hair cut and am loving the length right now. Might stay at this length for awhile instead of growing it out. As soon as I can get a decent picture of me with my hair and glasses I'll post!
Madison lost her 2nd tooth, once again pulling it out by herself. She's such a big girl.
Garrett went to Elko for an overnight trip to Coyote hunt with Clint and his buddy Bryce. They didn't get anything but had a real good time and all three want to do more together.
On a sad note in January we decided to put Charlie down. He was very sick and only getting worse and we felt it was best for him. The kids understand what happened and where he is. Madison was really upset for a few days and every once in awhile will talk about missing him. It was very hard for all of us but in the end it was best for him.
Right now we are dealing with sick kiddos again! They got a nasty cold with a fever and upset stomach. Madison had it last week and now Austin has it. And since he has alittle bit of Asthma his colds are always worse and last longer!
I had another Migraine last week and think its time to check out some other options. My sister and mom are both on regular medicine that I might check into.
I started my Camera class last week. I'm super excited to really learn how to use my camera. I should have a Photo Blog up soon so I will post the link to it here. The instructor wants us to start one up and have our photos viewed.
Ok all thats all for now. Gotta tend to breakfast!

1 comment:

Michelle said...
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