Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Peace and Quiet!

Awww the joy of a clean house and three sleeping "babies". Yes they are all down and my house is clean. Lucky me :) ANyways I'm blogging cause I went in to check on Austin cause he was playing for a long time before he got really quiet. Now I know I should just be thankful that its quiet but I am worrier! So i got in to his room and found him sleeping like this! So of course I run to get the camera and creep into his room and proceed taking pictures as quietly as my noisy camera will let me. I got a few with the flash and everything and then decided to move him. I couldn't leave him like that. But I was successful in moving him to the next position where he is happy sleeping in his crib. YAY GO ME!! K hope you enjoyed :)


Michelle said...

A baby pretzel. that is too cute! LOL

Kathryn Grider said...

Cute!!! We've been thinking about the kids alot lately...Missing them tremendously!