Thursday, May 14, 2009

At Last!!

First off I must tell everyone that we finally got grass in the backyard!! It was such a long afternoon and I'm so sore this morning, but it looks really good! It only took 6 hours to do but we got it done :)
The kids had their appointments today at the doctors for their checkups. They both did so good! Madison weighs 30lbs and is in the 25 % for that and is 36.5 inches high which is in the 40% for her. They took her bloodpressure and she did so good. Doctor says everything is good with her. Austin weighs 15 lbs 12 oz which is in the 22% for that and is 25.5 inches which is in the 25% for him. He got his shots and did so good with them. He's such a brave little guy! We started him on carrots and he does ok with them. Tonight it is green beans. We'll see how he likes them :) SO the kids are great and mom and dad are exhausted!! Good times!


Michelle said...


Kathryn Grider said...

Sounds like the kids are well taken care of! as for mom and dad.....get used to it! LOL