Sunday, January 4, 2015

December 2014

oh December already!!! I cannot believe how fast 2014 went!! We were busy this month, with kids Christmas parties and all the festivities that go with Christmas!!
-Ginger bread houses times 2!!
-Santa on the firetruck....put on by our wonderful city!!
-Garrett's work party.
-Aunt Traci and Uncle Phil visit.
-Santa at Scheels!!!
-Sing in at the school for both kids!!
-Christmas parties for both kids!
-Dance recital for both kids!! They have a blast! and both do so good performing in front of a lot people!
-Trip to Elko. Had a great time visiting with everyone!!
-Sledding in freezing cold temperatures!!
-New Years Eve Celebrations....friends, food, drinks, and Chinese Lanterns!!

What a fantastic year!!! Here's to 2015!!

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