Sunday, January 4, 2015

August 2014

August was packed with so many fun things!!
-Austin learned to ride his bike with no training wheels!! It only took a few tries in the backyard then he was off riding with the rest of the kids!
-Rain, Rain, Rain!! We enjoyed some puddle jumping!!
-Crawdad fishing at Strawberry Res. It was loads of fun. We tired chicken wings on a rope, threw it into the water, waited a bit, then the boys pulled the string in while I stood in the water scooping the crawdads with a big net. I would also scoop the "runaways" with my hands while the kids grabbed them and put them into the cooler. It was a good time til they would brush up against my legs and creep me out!! And I was soooo sore the next day from all the scooping!! Next time, a net with smaller holes!
-Camping trips to Current Creek Res. where the boys will hunt. We went up there a few times, exploring the area and taking some great pictures! Some of my favorite pictures I took this year were up there!
-First day of School!! Madison 3rd grade, Austin Kindergarten!
-New truck!
-11 year anniversary!!
-Ice bucket challenges for all of us!!

Great end to the Summer!!

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