Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Already!!!

So I'm not really good at keeping up with this blog. I know. Life gets busy, but really I just get lazy!! It's so much easier to snap a picture with my phone and upload it to Facebook. And since Grandma is now on Facebook I find that I just don't need to blog! Sorry Aunt Michelle!! I will try to be better!

So a little update on us. Garrett is on nights again. Starting tonight actually. This go around he will work every other Sunday night, and every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. So he will get to see more of his kids and hopefully it helps this night shift rotation go smoother. He's still a supervisor and is amazing at what he does! I hear quite a bit how much of a difference he is making and I am proud of him for taking a job he was unsure of and making a difference!! He's also gotten into the kids activities more. They love their video games and Garrett has made an effort to be involved in what they like to do. It makes me happy to see them bond over anything and he is so good with both them! And we plan on more outings with him on his days off!!

Madison is doing great in 3rd grade. The challenge of it all is a little much for her at times, but with the help of her AWESOME teacher she is getting it all. She loves math and is working on Division!! What!! Sometimes I have to look up what she is working on on Google to be able to help her! She is enjoying dance and really liked that she was able to have a say in her dance routine and outfit this year. She is very creative and is working on her lines, trying to get the flow of it all. She loves playing with her friends and her brother. She is still her sweet self and is very caring to the younger neighbors!

Austin....boy has he changed!! His teacher just loves him!! He is doing great in school as well. And like sister he loves math and is not a fan of reading!! He passed off his 100 sight words and received a stuffed animal from his teacher. We are working on reading and he is doing great. He can sound out his letter to form words. He loves his video games and is still obsessed with Super Mario. We limit his time of course but thats his thing. He has a few friends on the street he plays with but doesn't like when there are too many kids. Not sure how to fix that but for now I'm happy knowing that my kids know what they do and do not like. They both are really good about listening to their "gut" in situations and that is something I/we will always listen to!

As for me I'm holding down the fort. I do the cooking/cleaning/carpooling/crafting craziness around here. I enjoy taking care of the family and that's enough to keep me completely busy!! I volunteer in each kids classroom and I am the room mom for Madison's class. I help with the class parties and help the teacher make copies and whatever else they need me to do. Some days I think I need more and I think about getting Miles a puppy friend, but then I wake up and realize that is pure crazy!!

Life is good now and we are looking forward to a big change this year. We are moving into a bigger house that we are building!! We will still be in Eagle Mountain and the kids will still be in their same school. We are very excited for what this change will bring to our family and can't wait to have a place to store our trailer and have extra space for our family when they come to visit!! We also have two big trips coming up this year. One to Nebraska/Colorado in May and the other to Colorado to camp in July. We are looking forward to both and can't wait to see all our family. There are people in Nebraska and Colorado that haven't even met Garrett!!

So that's all for now. I will try and post monthly and be more specific on how life is over here. Be prepared for LOTS of house news!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Love Love Love the update! So good to hear how everyone is doing. We can't wait to see you guys and look forward to hearing about your house. Facebook has been mentioned as a "family" page so we can monitor kiddos, but we haven't jumped off that cliff yet. :)