Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Austin's Doctor Appointment

Took Austin in today to have the doctor check out his lungs again. She said that what he has seems to be asthma. She heard some wheezing and suggested that we put him on Abutarol which will immediately unconstrict his lungs when he's having an asthma attack. (Does that make sense??) Its another steroid through the nebulizer and we did a treatment there in the office and it seem to have worked. So now when he is wheezing I have to give him a treatment with that on top of his regular treatment of Pulmacort. So that is that. We just watch him and give him the treatments when needed. Also he weighs only 25 lbs. but is now in he 11th percent tile. Hopfully this will work for him and he can get better. Just thought I'd share the update with everyone!!


James, Lena, Chris and AJ said...

Poor little guy. It's so hard when they're little...they can't tell you whats wrong. Hopefully he'll get to feeling better.

Kathryn Grider said...

At least now you know for sure and you can help him through it. Big hugs and kisses for the kids.