Saturday, September 18, 2010

Some Troubles

So last Tuesday I go to pick up Madison from Dance and her teacher stops me and say that she was upset and was quietly crying while working on her letter "s". She got out of it that Madison missed me and thats why she was crying. After we got home and I was looking at her schoolwork I noticed a tear stain on the paper and her "S" all wiggly and backwards and just scribbles. I called her over and she said, "that's when I was crying Mom, I couldn't do it". So at least we got the real reason why she was upset. On Thursday I went in early to tell the teacher what we figured out and that if she sees Madison getting upset to maybe help her alittle. She was fine with that and I said goodbye to Madison and left. When Garrett and I picked her up after school the teacher said she had a complete meltdown! I couldn't believe our little girl was getting so upset! It broke my heart :) She said this time it was because she missed us. I think it was because I was there with her in the morning, which I don't think will happen again. Hopefully this will pass and she can return to being the happy little girl at school! On a good note she did get her first book, so she's learning to read!

1 comment:

Kathryn Grider said...

Give little Miss Madison a huge hug from me! School is new and tiring for little ones... Give Austin some lovin from me too!
Missing them!