Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 3 of School!

So today was day three for Madison's preschool. Tuesdays are her dance days and I was alittle worried about sending her to school in her clothes and having her change into her leotard for dance, but she did it and did it all by herself. I am so proud of her and she was so proud to have done it all by herself too! She was alittle tired today when I came to pick her up. She was sitting by herself in the corner, not really paying attention to the teacher. She told me she was just tired. She's learning the letter "P". I'm not sure why they are not going in ABC order, but they are the teachers, not me! I'm sure there is some method to the madness =D So she is still loving it and having fun. She told me that because she brought snack that she got to hold the flag while the class sang The Pledge of Allegiance. I'm glad they are learning that, I thought they took it out of the schools.
Meanwhile I am enjoying some one on one time with Austin. He was playing with beads today and it shocked me to see how well he did for the first time playing with them. He put 4 on all by himself, without me showing him. He's gonna be such a smart little boy! Poor guy was up at 6:30 soaking wet, so by 11:30 he was ready for his nap. So he fell asleep in the car on the way, and hopefully he will lay down for a good nap.
Well that's about it over here. We almost got the sidewalk done....almost there! And with no time to spare really.....it feels like fall over here lately. Soon the snow will be falling and it will be cold again. Not really looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay for MAdison! Yay for Austin! Yay for one on one time!
Please do not say the "s" word..aka snow.... ;)