Monday, February 15, 2010


Last week was so very crazy with Garrett's interview, doctor's appointments, partys, and valentines day!! Garretts interview went very well. He actually got offered a job in CA working on F-16s again. We were really interested in taking it but we didn't think we could sell the house right now and come out on top. And since we are not about to bury ourselves in debt again we decided that we'd try again in a year or so. So we are going to stay here in UT for now. We are very happy here in this area and love our new friends we have around us. And you can't put a price on friendship.
Austin had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. He weighs 20lbs 9 oz. and is 29.25 inches long. He hasn't grown much at all since our last visit a month ago for his throat, but he's still on the charts and he is gaining some so the doctor wasn't concerned. And he is a healthy boy so all is good there!!!
We had our birthday party Friday night with the neighbors. It was so much fun!! We had a BBQ and played games and hung out by the fire and laughed our butts off!!! So much fun. And with all this excitement I totally forgot about Valentines day. We don't do much anyways because our birthdays are in February, but Madison is getting to the age were she is getting into all the holidays. She did some valentines for the neighbors and we made rice krispie hearts. Yum. And they got heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and a heart balloon for a treat. So Simple, kids are awesome! Just get them a balloon and they are happy for days. LOVE IT!
So thats what we've been up too. Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend!!

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