Monday, September 21, 2009

Uploading Pictures

So I've noticed that I haven't uploaded pictures to for a long time. So I'm getting that done right now. There will be alot of pictures, all the way from July!! Sorry :) Garrett went back to work yesterday on days!! Yay (for the days part) It was nice to have him off for so long and not have to DO anything. The kids loved him home, as did I! We had lots of fun hanging out, going to the fair, riding the four wheeler at 5 mile, and just hanging out together. Madison is good as usual. Just having some issues in the sharing with brother department. Austin is getting big, too big! He's crawling everywhere, which is fun, but I find that I can't sit still for long. (Could be why I'm so behind with the pictures and blog huh). He's got two teeth now, the bottom two, so he's alittle cranky. His cough is getting worse. Not sure why but he seems to cough more when he is excited or hot. Might be asthma?? Got to call the doctor. Going to take the kids to story time at the library tomorrow, which should be fun. Other than that just busy chasing the kids and keeping them busy during the day. Ok gotta finish the pictures and get to the store. Enjoy the pictures!!

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