Monday, December 1, 2008

First Outings

So grocery shopping went very well. I carried Austin in the front carrier and he just slept. Madison was very good. It took an hour and a half to get through the store and afterwards my back was killing me. Time to get those muscles back in shape!! Had alot of running around to do today. Poor Austin got hungry in the Toy Store so I tried nursing him while I looked around. It didn't go good. He ended up spitting up all over the both of us! It was kinda funny, but not :) Not alot going on here just trying to get through each day. I didn't get much sleep last night and Austin is wide awake right now during naptime. Maybe I'll just try going to bed early.


Kathryn Grider said...

Sounds like you did alright today! And the kids too! before you know it you will have a routine down pat.

kgrider03 said...

thanks i hope it comes soon!