Wednesday, August 21, 2013

School year 2013-2014

Its been too long!!

Wow my last blog seems likes ages ago!! The kids recovered from the Foot Hand and Mouth Disease just fine. Austin caught the flu shortly after getting better. Seriously I only got one day break in between the two :( But we are all good now. We got a new puppy the week they were sick. Couldn't help the timing. We found him on KSL and I instantly fell in love with his cuteness!! He's a Lab/Vizsla mix, and we named him Miles. He's been a great dog, very smart, and we are loving having him in our family. He's sleeping through the night and is potty trained, for the most part, as long as you are paying attention!!
We squeezed in a camping trip a couple weeks ago to the towers. A one nighter, but it was all we needed to cure our itch to camp. Camping is so much work....I need a trailer ;) Miles did very good camping and even took his first RZR ride. He wasn't too thrilled to be riding on my lap, but hopefully in time he will enjoy riding in the RZR and the truck.
The week before school kept us busy with last minute summer activities. We went to the splash pad with our friends, went and saw Planes in the theatre, and had a blast at Garrett's work party at Cowabunga bay (a water park in Draper). And Madison and I enjoyed a Mommy/Daughter day getting pedicures and having lunch. It was a fun afternoon and I hope to make it a back to school tradition!!
Yesterday was the first day for the two of them. Everything went smoothly and the kids seem really happy with their classes. Austin is in his second year of preschool. She combined the 3yo and 4yo class this year because they were both so small. We will see how well she can get the 4yo ready for kindergarten. I'm not worried they won't be ready, she's an amazing teacher and she also has a 4yo to get ready for kindergarten next year. Madison is in 2nd grade and not in class with her buddy Kesler. I think it will be good for both of them to be apart and make other friends. Her teacher seems very nice and I can't wait to help out and be apart of it this year.
So that's what we've been up to. Not a lot but enough to keep me busy. Hopefully I can get pictures camera didn't want to auto focus yesterday for school pics :( so I will have to try to upload from my phone. (wish me luck!)