Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Photo Shoot

Did a photo shoot for one of my mommy group friends and decided to throw my kids out there too! Here are just a couple the rest are here.....  http://photos1.walmart.com/walmart/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=7940617003/a=7682541_7682541/
Austin's best picture is this one, in a tree of course.... he's such a boy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Camping at Payson Lakes

 Madison's Fairy Resort

 Best part of camping!!

 Deer in th e background!

Went camping at Payson Lakes Wednesday night. The first time we have gone, just the four of us. We had a BLAST!! The kids were so excited to go! Got there, set up camp and had a little rain shower surprise for us. Got in the truck and took a drive around the canyon. Came back and it was time for dinner, fishing, and s'mores! Went to one of the lakes to fish, didn't do much fishing but walked the path around the lake. What a relaxing walk. The kids rode their bike, Austin had a little trouble but stuck it out and with daddy's help made the trip! After s'mores the kids just played and played. They loved exploring and made lots of things out of twigs and rocks. The next day we headed home after a yummy pancake breakfast and a quick swim in the lake. This would be a great place for future camping trips with the family (wink, wink)!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Family Photos

Headed out to Eureka, UT for a scouting trip of Garrett's hunting area AND a perfect trip for some family pictures! The weather was amazing....love the cloudy skies!! Camera died before we got into the beautiful town of Eureka, but still managed to get a few good ones!! Can't wait to go back and take some more pictures in the town.

Fourth Of July

Went to Provo on the Fourth and enjoyed some fun crafts for the kids and some vendor booths for me and my friend. Then it was back to our house for yummy desserts and FIREWORKS!!